Saturday, 3 October 2009

LE is already out

There is so much I didn't buy it all either, but still spent about 4000sd!!! That is crazy Stardoll!!! Now I am broke til next week! :PThe good thing is there are a few things for NON-SUPERSTAR'S like a bag, tights, gloves, shoes! So here's is your chance to get a little LE.


40 Million

40 million members

Well Stardoll has released the 40 Million Members memorabilia, and I for one am very disappointed. We get a free 40 Million Members sign, but it is nothing special. There is a basic shirt available for both guys and girls at the relatively expensive price of $6. For $5 and $3 respectively, you can get cute balloons and a cake. There's also a party hat for $2 and get this... $15 (!!!) for a circle that bounces around.

FREE Fame Outfit

There's new free FAME clothes that you can get with an online proxy!
Just go to and just search
Log in, and then after like 3 seconds, log out, and there you go! The FAME clothes should be in your suite!

FREE Hotbuys purse


Free Pet Awards Poster

You can get a FREE Pet Awards poster following this steps, if you're not from the UK:

1. Use a manual proxy, like port 80 (learn how to use a manual proxy here). If it doesn't work check more proxies on the sidebar! Or use, however I'm not sure if it's safe.
2. Log into stardoll.

Non-Superstar Hot Buys Dress!

The Rainbow Hot Buys Dress has been released for non-superstars. It still costs $15, which is so bad, but hey, at least everyone can buy it!
But thats already gone.

Brazilian Independence Clothes

The clothes from the limited Brazilian Independence line range from $1 to $3, and they are BARGAIN BUYS

Brazilian Indepence Day

New Kohl´s in starplaza

New Kohls (Candies, Abbey Dawn And Mudd) clothes are out in the stores

Arabian Nights

FREE Lilac PSP Bag

Just go into and type:
Log in, then log out - you have the Lilac PSP bag!

5th Hannah Montana Gift

You NEED a manual proxy!
1. Log into your stardoll
2. Use this proxy: and Port 80. (scroll down to see how to use a manual proxy)
3. Use this link:

Resume from September to now

So i wasnt online a long time. So i have to colelct all new stuff on stardoll, infos and free stuff and then i will publish them here. It wont be actual, but it´important, because to let my blog be complete with all infos. SO i will start now!
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