The Spoiler for the Carpe Denim Styled Outfits i already posted. But i have mentioned something very, very strange. In the Carpe Denim Styled Outfits i can see some of the Anitdote collection. What does that mean. Is Carpe Denim Styled Outfits the same like Antidote? Or is Antidote coupled with Carpe Denim. Or are they two different collection & themes.
CARPE DENIM is just the word for CARPE DIEM. Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace. It is popularlytranslated as "seize the day". The general definition of carpe is "pick, pluck, pluck off, gather" as in plucking or picking a rose or apple, although Horace uses the word in the sense of "enjoy, make use of, seize." Another use of the word is by joining it with cras. This gives you Carpe Diem Cras, or "Seize the day tomorrow" "Procrastinator's motto and an exact opposite of the meaning of "Carpe Diem" One interpretation of the phrase might be as an existential cautionary term, much like "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die," with emphasis on making the most of current opportunities because life is short and time is fleeting.
So should we, if we wearing the clothes, seezing the day? Lol.
I had a lot of suggestion what ANTIDOTE could mean. A brand about poisoning or something greek? I hope it´s the second idea with greek. The antidotes for some particular toxins are manufactured by injecting the toxin into an animal in small doses and extracting the resulting antibodies from the host animals' blood. This results in an antivenom that can be used to counteract poison produced by certain species of snakes, spiders, and other venomous animals. A number of venoms lack a viable antivenom, and a bite or sting from an animal producing such a toxin often results in death. Some animal venoms, especially those produced by arthropods are only potentially lethal when they provoke allergic reactions and induce anaphylactic shock; as such, there is no "antidote" for these venoms because it is not a form of poisoning, though anaphylactic shock can be treated.
Is Antidote a new shop coming soon? Or just another theme? Below you can see the clothes & furnitures from Antidote. So there are clothes & minishop articles.
What do you think?
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