Monday, 16 March 2009

Maryam-jan´s Tips: Get Hits

1. Content: The main reason why people visit sites is for the visitor content. Go for a mix of different kinds of stuff, for all different kinds of people. Dont just put stuff that you like up, put some different types. And if you make your own layouts and blends, articles, posts & pics even better, visitors love that. Make sure all your posts & adds are neat and organised.

2. Updates: Try to change your homepage and other page layouts as often as posible. Use different types of layouts to get people intrested and want to come back. Everyone has there own style, just use yours. Be creative and have fun.

3. Originality: Be unique. Treat your site like your room, put your own ideas into it. Why would people go to a site that is a duplicate of a site they've already been to? Dont copy someone elses site. Its the same as copying someone elses essay, you can get in trouble. And loose marks, which is this case it visitors and hits.

4. Typing Do not type LiKe ThIs oR LiEk DiS. People cannot understand what you are saying! Just type normally, its easier to read and it makes everyones lives easier. People don't want to read something that they can't understand!

5. Borders, Scrollbars etc. Well as you might notice, i dont use defult scrollbars, i use my own coloured ones. Try to have a border and a custum scrollbar on each page. If you dont know how to use scrollbar colours,  And i am sure you will find one you like. Try to match the colours of the border and scrollbar to the page layout. Dont use fluro colours, cause it hurts people's eyes, this also goes for using text. Try using dark colours on a light background, or when using a dark background colour try using light coloured text, scollbar and border. Try not to use flashing scrollbars, they are very distracting, and become annoying.

6. Give credit where credit is due Pretty self-explanatory. You can get some ideas from other sites, but make sure you give credit. You don't want people writing hate messages in your guestbook saying that you stole their ideas. You didn't come up with the idea, so give credit. You should also give credit to where you got pictures from, layouts, backgrounds, etc. All those things are copyrighted on the internet. Face facts, you wouldn't someone copying your layout or site, anyone would be annoyed with that.

7. Blog Page You should have an enter page for you site, it makes it more organised and look tidy. That way your layout is more of a SUPRISE! It also shows your visitors that your good with blogspot.

8. Be respectful If people take the time to come to your website and sign your guestbook, the least you can do is do the same. It doesn't take long, and it may brighten someone day! Even if you don't sign anything, at least take a look around!

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