Monday, 9 March 2009

Miss Afghanistan - Afghanbeautyx

That´s the awesome winner of the big Miss Afghanistan beauty pageant in my club Afg-4-Ever. She has now the title on stardoll or better in my club Miss Afghanistan. CONGRATS! She won superstar gifts for 12 stardollars, 2 week advertisement on the clubpage, articles in my blog  (an interview will ocming soon) and the title. Also here i posted her winning photos. There will be soon more. So check out the new Miss Afghanistan.

Why i picked her? Hmm, good question. I think she convinced me most. She is great, an afghan girl, clever & smart, beautiful and so she possess every thing what a Miss need. Also she was i think the only one with passion & compassion in the comp. So she really deserved to win. 

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